This August, we will celebrate five years since our first young adults moved into the Roots House. The Roots Project was born out of the desire to help facilitate healthy transitions for older children into life outside of the center. One of our primary goals is to connect our residents to opportunities that are individualized to their interests and strengths.

Since opening our doors in 2018, we have seen The Roots Project grow from six young adults to currently housing fifteen – eight young men and seven young women. We have grown from one house to two. The young adults have learned essential life skills, started internships, and eight young adults began college earlier this year. Four young adults have recently finished taking the West African Senior School Certificate Exam and are anxiously awaiting their results. Passing this exam will allow them to apply to university. The Raining Season is so excited for what the futures of these young adults hold as we continue to grow and navigate this new season.

We are grateful for everyone who supports The Raining Season - big or small. This week we are sharing five ways to support the Roots Project.
1. Pray!
Will you commit to praying daily for The Roots Project and the young adults who are part of it? We know that the Lord has been good to us. He has provided, protected, and blessed us. We are thankful for the many answered prayers. We have many prayer warriors who faithfully pray day in and day out. We pray for the Roots Project as it continues to grow and develop and for the young adults we serve through that program. We pray for the staff that works with and supports the Roots Project. Finally, we pray that the young adults we serve will know their purpose, be provided with opportunities, and continue to learn as they transition into adulthood. We pray for the Lord’s protection over them.
2. Sponsorship
Growing our sponsorship of the Roots young adults will ensure that we continue to provide a safe place for them to live, opportunity through education, nutritious food, essential medical care, and spiritual nurturing every day. None of our Roots young adults are currently fully sponsored. The top-notch care we provide our children comes with a price, and sponsorship ensures The Raining Season can continue doing what it does.
3. Encourage through Skype and Letters
Do you already sponsor a young adult who is part of the Roots Project? Monthly Skype calls are an excellent opportunity to connect with them, ask them how they are doing, encourage them, and pray for them. School and exams can be very stressful for them as they feel pressured to do well. You can also write letters to your sponsored child by emailing the letters to
4. Donate
Whether it is a one-time donation or monthly donation, you can specifically give to the Roots Project. Our children continue to grow and age out at a rate faster than we can keep up with. Your support of the Roots Project will allow the program to continue to grow to meet our expanding needs. In the past year, donations have also provided our young adults attending university with laptop computers and cell phones and covered their university tuition.
5. Travel
Travel is an opportunity to see firsthand the work being done in Sierra Leone. It is also an opportunity to connect with and build relationships with our kids. These relationships can continue to grow through Skype calls and letters. Many connections have also been made within Sierra Leone because of travel that have lead to opportunities for our kids.
So, if you’ve been asking yourself, “How can I help?” consider one of the ways we have shared this week. It is because of people like YOU that our kids continue to grow and flourish. Thank you for the many ways you continue to support The Raining Season and the Roots Project. It takes a village, and we could not do it without you!
Many blessings,
The Raining Season