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June Team Recap

The Raining Season

June brought our third team of the year to the center.  The team, led by Ally Currie, included both seasoned travelers and one first-time traveler.  They spent the week loving and serving our kids and staff. This included playtime, devotions, bringing supplies, visiting Freetown Cheshire Home, and a trip to the beach where the team members from Iowa shared the matching t-shirts they brought for the boys they sponsor.  The team also had a chance to enjoy a delicious dinner provided by Aunty Marie. 

The Raining Season

We are grateful that the team brought much-needed supplies to the center.  These supplies replenished some of our resources that are either difficult to purchase in Sierra Leone or very expensive in Freetown. Our June team primarily brought medical supplies for our clinic, including pain relievers, vitamins, protein milk, and cough medicine.  They also brought school supplies, including Expo markers, composition books, forty-five boxes of crayons, ink pens, and lots of educational science and math posters for the school.  Their bags also include phones for our newest University students.  These amazing team members also spent time organizing the storage area where all the extra supplies are kept.  This will help guide future teams to ensure they are bringing the most useful supplies. 

While the team spent a lot of time with the kids, Lisa Rippy and Robbie Hampton also poured into the teachers at The Raining Season Primary School to discuss their professional development as well as expectations for their upcoming summer school session and the following school year.  At the end of the trip, the teachers and management of the school presented Lisa with a special award for her support and commitment to the school.  Lisa is a retired teacher and has traveled many times.  She currently serves as an education volunteer for TRS and her heart for serving the teachers and school is an asset to TRS.

The Raining Season

The Raining Season

Community outreach has always been an important part of team trips.  Community outreach is an opportunity to serve and support others in Sierra Leone.  This team visited the Freetown Cheshire Home, a school and residential home for both typical students and students with physical disabilities.  While visiting the school, they were able to learn about what they do and  provide them with five bags of rice. 

The Raining Season

Travel with The Raining Season is a very special experience.  After traveling in September 2023, Julie Goldner made her second trip in June.  She took the time to share some of her experience.  "My second trip, the first being only nine months from my first trip, was special!  My first favorite part of the trip was the welcome we experienced from all the children and staff. There's nothing like turning in the alley and seeing everyone lined up to hear them singing and clapping to greet us! This trip was so special because I knew the kids this time and could greet them by name!! Giving everyone that first hug feels amazing!   My first trip, I spent a lot of time with the boys, and this time I wanted to spend quality time with the girls as well. I was able to spend time talking with them and was able to teach them "doodle art". It was fun to see their interest and confidence to create. I was able to leave them markers, pens, and cardstock paper.  Once again, the hardest part of the trip is saying, "See you next time" (not goodbye)! It is such an indescribable emotion leaving. If our tears show anything, I hope it shows them how much we love them and carry them in our hearts." 

The Raining Season

The team had a busy week, and we are so grateful for their time in Sierra Leone.  Each team member was impacted differently – whether it was Lisa watching Moses work with his tutor, showing off the sign language he has learned and the joy in sharing Jif-to-go peanut butter cups with the kids, Julie seeing the transformation of Kadiatu since her first trip, Ally visiting for the second time since serving long term in Sierra Leone at TRS and spending time with the boys she sponsors, or Ann traveling and meeting Dauda and James for the first time – they each walked away touched by this experience. Thank you to our June team for your commitment to serving in Sierra Leone. We are grateful for you and your hearts for our children and staff. 

Many blessings,

The Raining Season

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