On September 12, 2012, our children and staff moved into our current compound, The Covering. For 3,276 days, our children have called The Covering home. It has provided not only shelter but also stability. It has provided shelter and protection through Ebola and COVID-19. It has welcomed children in their most vulnerable state into our care with open arms.

Today, The Raining Season is launching its final push to raise our building rent. It's $7,183 in 25 hours. Why 25 hours? 25 represents Matthew chapter 25 in the Bible. This summer, on July 21st, we launched The Matthew 25 Building Campaign with the goal of raising $55,000 to cover our rent for one year. We chose to base our 2021 campaign on Matthew 25 because of what it calls us to do. Matthew 25:40 reads, "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." As we launched our 2021 campaign, we asked you to step in and be the hands and feet of Jesus for our children at The Covering in Sierra Leone. We called on you to help us care for some of the least of these brothers and sisters of His by contributing to our building campaign. We are grateful for the fifty-two individuals and families that have donated. With their help, we have inched closer and closer to our goal. We knew it would be a marathon and not a sprint. However, as we have neared the end, we are calling on the rest of our village to help us meet this goal. $10, $25, or $50 - it all makes a difference.

When you donate to the Matthew 25 Building Campaign, you ensure that children with special needs in Sierra Leone have a place where they can be loved and cared for, just as they deserve. You ensure that we can continue to welcome new children in need of refuge to The Covering. Your support ensures they have a place that will work to restore them from the inside out. When you support the Matthew 25 Building Campaign, you ensure that all of our children have the stability that lets them not only thrive but also lets them be kids.
Your tax-deductible donation means another year in the place where our kids are loved, nourished, educated, and discipled. Can you help us in the final 25 hours? Pray, share, donate.
Many blessings,
The Raining Season