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A Day in the Life

The Raining Season

This week, we are taking a peek inside our center during the current lockdown.  Memunatu Bai Kamara recently shared an update with her sponsors about her experience over the past six months.  It has been difficult for many of our children to miss school and church, not see their friends, and to be on lockdown in the center.  However, even in the midst of these trials and tribulations, Memunatu has stayed upbeat and positive.  Memunatu shared, “We thank God for his protection and guidance in our lives.”  

Thankfully, the children have been able to keep many of their regular routines, with the exception of attending school or leaving the center.  During the day, the children have continued to engage in their schoolwork, have rest time, and playtime.  

Memunatu, like the majority of our children, has remained busy studying and completing her school work. With a limited staff, many of our older children have taken on additional duties to help the aunties.  Memunatu has spent time helping in the kitchen and helping her aunties take care of the smaller children.  The aunties are very thankful for this extra help, especially with their extended hours on the clock.

In the evening, Memunatu participates in nightly devotions.  At the beginning of the lockdown, each individual apartment completed devotions together.   As time went on, they resumed whole group devotions outdoors in the evening.  The children have continued to take turns participating in and leading devotions.  

Memunatu has most missed going to school and seeing her friends during the lockdown.  However, she has been able to continue her studies, take her exam, and promote to the eleventh grade!  Our children and staff have missed engaging with the outside world.  Our summer travel season was canceled, and many other routines that would have brought visitors to the center were disrupted.  

Memunatu is looking forward to returning to school and Skyping with her sponsors.  Although this has been a difficult time for our children and staff, we are thankful for their health and safety.  Our leadership continues to evaluate COVID-19 in Sierra Leone and how it will impact the upcoming school year.  

Join us in continuing to pray for the health and safety of our children, our staff, and all of Sierra Leone.  We pray for the Lord’s continued protection.

Many blessings, 

The Raining Season

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