Two years ago this month, we relaunched the blog on The Raining Season’s website. You see, we wanted to have a meeting place. Somewhere to celebrate the triumphs, joys, and milestones. Somewhere to share about our staff and children. Somewhere to share center and Roots updates and somewhere to ask for your prayers. Thank you for joining us on this journey. Thank you for the countless ways you continue to support The Raining Season, our staff, and most importantly, the children we serve.

Today, we are excited to announce a new way to support The Raining Season! Our “Meet the Need” campaign is launching this month. Each campaign will raise funds to meet a specific need for our center in Sierra Leone. We know that when we work together for our kids, we can accomplish BIG things. Whether it’s $5, $10, $20, or $100, when we work together, your donation has an impact. Each campaign will share a need, a fundraising goal, and a way to donate.

Like many of our supporters, this has been a difficult season for our children and staff. Many of our staff members have been working for four months straight at the center, caring for our kids. Our kids and staff are missing the steady stream of summer teams that not only visit but also bring much-needed supplies to the center. We count on both sponsorship dollars and the supplies teams bring on their trips to meet the needs of all the children. Because we missed out on April, May, June, and July teams, The Raining Season is launching a “Meet the Need” campaign to raise funds to purchase some much-needed medical supplies and new flip flops for all of the kids.
During the rainy season, the rains are persistent, lasting days or even weeks. The heavy rains pose a threat, not only of mudslides but also a health threat. The rainy season increases malaria and typhoid cases. Having typhoid and malaria medications on hand allows our on-staff nurse to treat the children on-site and leave them feeling healthy again while avoiding a hospital stay. Our monetary need for Malaria and Typhoid medications is $700.

Our first “Meet the Need” campaign will also be raising money for each child to receive a new pair of flip flops. Good shoes are also important during the rainy season, and it has been many months since our kids have received new shoes. The cost to provide all of our children with a new pair of flip flops is $200.

Click here to partner with us in this campaign!
Thank you for meeting us here each week. We look forward to the stories our children will continue to tell. Because of you, mountains have been moved as we love and serve these children. Thank you for once again linking arms with us and helping us "Meet the Need!"
Many blessings,
The Raining Season