You are never too young to make a difference. Seventh graders at Pella Middle School, located in Pella, Iowa, recently made a generous donation to The Raining Season. The donation came after completing a year-long project as part of their Social Studies class. The Raining Season was honored to be chosen as a recipient of their year-long charitable project.
Seventh graders at Pella Middle School have been giving back to charities worldwide for at least thirteen years. Beginning as early as 2011, the seventh grade social studies classes complete a charitable project each year. Currently led by their teachers Kristin Schulz and Morgan Lybbert, each class begins the year discussing the United Nations Global Goals and how they could serve globally, domestically, and locally to help those in need. A student from the class shared why TRS was one of the charities they chose to donate to, “We chose to donate to The Raining Season because what they do impacts many children in need. One small thing in their lives could help support them through the rest of their journeys. If people help support and give them the things they need early on, it can help feed and nourish them, helping them get better than they are and maybe get them out of a bad situation.”

The students created and executed a business plan to raise the money that would be donated. This past year, they ran a concession stand during winter activities at the school. The kids took ownership of the project, and Ms. Schulz shared how fun it is to watch the seventh graders emerge as leaders. Some students earn management positions, and they take that role very seriously. Together, they walk through a problem-solving process, and students vote to determine which charities they will donate to. The only guideline is that they must choose at least one global cause, one domestic, and one local, as well as consider doing something for their school. They earned a profit of $3,200 to share with the nine charities they chose.
On April 26, they held their annual check presentation ceremony. Representatives from many of the organizations were present to accept the checks from the students. This is the second year in a row that The Raining Season had the honor of receiving a donation. This year, Lucy Diers, a student at Pella High School, accepted the check on behalf of The Raining Season. Lucy was one of the very first children adopted from The Raining Season. The Diers family has continued to play an instrumental role in supporting TRS through sponsorship, travel, and adoption over the years.

While the year-long project has come to a close, it inspired many in the class to continue giving back within their community, nationally, and globally. Seventh grade student Alma Wick shared, “After completing this project, it makes me want to help even more around the community, or even with worldwide causes. Seeing what we can do with just our 7th-grade classes, imagine what we can do with a much larger amount of people! It really makes me think about what we are doing and what else I can do to help more charities and organizations. Places like The Raining Season help so many people and children around the world for the better. If people keep contributing to these causes, so much change will be made in our lives for the better.”
Thank you to the Pella Middle School seventh-grade class for the impact you are making locally and globally. We are so grateful for your generosity and hearts for the children at The Raining Season in Sierra Leone. It is an honor that you chose to support The Raining Season this year, and your donation truly makes a difference.
Many blessings,
The Raining Season