WE DID IT! Together, we raised $55,00! Since August ended, we are grateful that donations continued to trickle in. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to every individual and family that donated to our 2022 Na We Os Building Campaign. Because of our generous community, we are able to show up and do what we do three hundred sixty-five days a year.
This week, we will celebrate TEN years in The Covering. On September 12, 2012, our children were able to call 26D Spur Road home for the very first time. We are grateful every day for the stability and protection it has provided. Without The Covering, many of our children’s stories would have looked very different.

As we celebrate ten years at The Covering, we are excited to tell Zainab about the many people that said yes to providing her with shelter for another year. Zainab has called The Covering home since 2012. When Zainab came to The Raining Season, she didn’t know about Jesus. Today, Zainab’s favorite story to tell is how she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior. She was introduced to Him for the first time when she came to The Raining Season by our staff that disciples our children. The Covering gives her a place to worship and be discipled.

Your support of the building campaign also means that Gabriel continues to receive essential medical care. If you’ve heard Gabriel’s story, you know that he came to The Covering in 2017, paralyzed from the neck down. Our center provided him with a place to continue to receive medical care and a place to heal. Since coming to The Covering, Gabriel is now walking and even playing soccer!

The Covering has always been more than just a building. It offers hope, stability, safety, opportunity, restoration, and so much more. We are grateful that we will be able to welcome new children in need of care in the coming year. There are nearly 350,000 orphans in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Through your support, we are able to provide a safe place to live, essential medical care, opportunity through education, and spiritual nurturing every day to every child that enters our gates.
Thank you for your support in helping us continue to provide a safe and stable home to nearly ninety children. Securing The Covering for another year means more opportunities to love and serve in Sierra Leone. We look forward to seeing The Raining Season’s story continue to unfold as the Lord works through us in Sierra Leone in the coming year.
Many blessings,
The Raining Season