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This Is Our House

The Raining Season

The Na We Os Building Campaign has launched! Na We Os is Krio for “This is our house.” The Covering is home to more than ninety children. This fundraiser isn’t just about a building. It is about the kids who live there. The Covering is their home, and for some, it is the only home they remember. It provides stability, love, and a nurturing environment. The Covering allows us to provide safety, education, medical, spiritual, and nutrition twenty-four hours a day, three hundred sixty-five days a year.

Our rent is due August 31st. We have set out to raise the $55,000 needed to fund The Covering for one year. We are grateful that the rent has not increased since last year, despite growing inflation in Sierra Leone. $55,000 means it costs $150 a day to fund the rent of our building, and we are working to cover the children at The Covering for three hundred sixty-five days. Whether you can donate $5, $150, or $500, you can help cover the kids at The Covering each day of the coming year. No donation is too small!

Similar to how it breaks down to $150 a day, the number 150 will be significant throughout the campaign. Psalm 150 reads, “Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness. Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.”

Every step of the way, we chose to praise Him. We praise Him for protecting our children and staff from Ebola in 2014 and COVID-19 in 2020. We praise the Lord for providing us with a safe place to house our children. We praise Him for a place that provides protection from the heavy rains in August and September and a place that allows us to welcome some of the most vulnerable children in Sierra Leone with open arms. Aside from our very own land with our very own building, The Covering is the best option that meets our needs right now.

Can you help cover a day in the coming year? Maybe your $10 can work together with a group of donors to match $150 a day. Perhaps your family can commit to $150 to cover a day. Or maybe you are able to donate $500 to cover more than three days. Big or small, your donation means the world to The Raining Season and the children we serve. We can’t fulfill our mission in Sierra Leone without you. Your tax-deductible donation means another year in the place we call home.

Make your donation even more special by choosing which day or days you want to cover. Pick a date that is meaningful to you or your family. Maybe you want to celebrate your child’s birthday or a child you sponsor at The Raining Season by choosing their birthday. Your $150 donation could support TRS on your anniversary or another important date, or you could choose a day to honor or remember a loved one. Please pick a date that is meaningful to you and make a note in the “notes” section on the donations page.

Finally, as a thank you for your generosity, The Raining Season would like to gift donors making a $500+ donation with a t-shirt from The Cotton Tree Collection. Please note the t-shirt size you would like to receive in the “note” section of the donation page. All t-shirts will be shipped at the conclusion of the building campaign.

We need to raise $55,000 by August 31st. The Raining Season is home to more than ninety children. That’s more than ninety reasons to say YES! Thank you for your continued support and prayers.

Many blessings,

The Raining Season

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