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We Can't Do It Without YOU!

The Raining Season

7 days.

168 hours.

10,080 minutes.

604,800 seconds…

Do you see where we are going here? Regardless of how you break it down, we only have this much time to raise the funds needed to pay the rent for one year on both our facilities, The Covering, and The Roots Home.

We need to raise $70,000. That’s $50,000 for our four buildings at The Covering, home to 88 children, and $20,000 for our Roots House that is home to 6 children. We know this is BIG, but every time we do this, the Lord provides through people like you.

We can’t do it without YOU! We’ll say it again, WE CAN’T DO IT WITHOUT YOU!! We are nearing the halfway point in our fundraiser, and we have a long way to go.

The children have called our center home for over seven years. That is seven years of stability and a roof over their head. Our Building Campaign is SO much more than a roof over their heads though. What does donating to our Building Campaign look like? It means a room and a bed for EVERY child to sleep in. It means a classroom to learn in and a place to worship. So many of our children are introduced to Jesus for the first time when they enter our gates. They seek healing and restoration under these roofs. In the Roots House, it is a place to learn the skills needed to be independent adults. Most importantly, our facilities provide a place where our children can be loved and discipled in their faith.

Ninety-three kids, $70,000 and 4 days to go. That’s ninety-three reasons to say YES!

We say yes every day because we believe in these kids. THANK YOU for joining us on the journey. Our mission is clear. We strive to provide a hopeful future and seek justice for vulnerable children, in an effort to raise up a new generation that will, in turn, bring hope for generations to come.

One way we accomplish our mission is through our facilities. So share this with your friends, your family, your neighbors, and co-workers. We won’t even be upset if you share it with the pizza delivery guy!

Why? Because we are all in this together!




Many blessings,

The Raining Season

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