Holy week is a time for us to reflect on Jesus’ sacrificial suffering and the power of His resurrection. This Sunday, we will rejoice in His resurrection. As we have been reminded over and over, Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Many of our children have begun to lead Sunday worship and nightly devotions. We asked Davida to share an Easter message with The Raining Season family. Davida is seventeen years old and came to The Raining Season in 2019.
A message from Davida:
“Good day to all sponsors and forever families. I am Davida, and I am here to give you an Easter Message. Two angels who appeared as men in clothes that gleamed like lightning asked the women why they were looking in the tomb for someone who was alive.
Often, we run into people who are looking for God among the dead. They study the bible like a mere historical document and go to church as if going to a [...] service. Only when we are looking for Jesus in our midst can we experience the power that Heaven can bring. He is alive! He is not among the dead. Christ’s resurrection gives us the assurance that we also will be resurrected. The power of God that brought Christ’s body back from the dead is available to us all so that we can change and grow.
Christian brothers and sisters, we do not merely tell lessons from the life of a good teacher. We proclaim the inerrancy of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. That is why in Matthew 28 verse 7, it says, ‘Then go quickly and tell his disciples that they are to spread the joyful news of His resurrection.’ So we, too, are to spread the good news about Jesus’ resurrection and The Raining Season. He is alive! He is not among the dead. Happy Easter to you all!”
The Raining Season wishes you and your family a joyous Easter. He is risen!
Many blessings,
The Raining Season