Today, it is time to celebrate the real superheroes of The Raining Season, our staff! On March 17th, we announced our plan to transition into our lockdown procedures in preparation of the impact COVID-19 could have in Sierra Leone. We knew that the health of our staff and children were our top priority. Unlike Ebola, in order to assure everyone’s safety, it was determined that a limited staff would stay at the center for the duration of the lockdown. Our current staff has been quarantined with the kids since April 18th. For 101 days, seventeen staff members have been on lockdown caring for, discipling, protecting, cooking for, and teaching our children.
It is impossible to fully express our sincere thanks. We are grateful for their sacrifices. These staff members have spent 101 days away from their own children and families. Some have entrusted their children in the care of others, and can only pray that they are healthy and well taken care of.
This week, we want to recognize the AMAZING staff that have put their lives on hold to protect our children from COVID-19. These staff members who have been here since mid-April have been part of The Raining Season staff from anywhere between one year and nearly eleven years. Our essential staff is made up of caregivers, security, and a cook. We want to honor the sacrifices they have made during this difficult time as they have worked through the ups and downs of the past four months.

We want to introduce each staff member to you by name today. Our limited staff includes fourteen caregivers, twelve at the center and two at the Roots Home. Fatmata James, Fatu Sesay, and Ramatu Kamar have been loving and caring for the babies in our Babies Apartment. The babies are safe and healthy, but there have been many sleepless nights for the aunties in this apartment.

Eunice Quee, Theresa M. Abu, and M’balu Samura are our superhero aunties that have devoted their time and talents to the Hope Room, caring for our children with special needs. Many of these children require around the clock care, and we know how exhausting and demanding that can be.
Rounding out our caregivers at the center and in the Roots house includes, Ramatu Kanu, Slamatu Kamara, Musu Turay, Christiana M. Mambu, Henrietta Gbondo, Fatu Turay, and Cecilia Sesay. They continue to provide a safe environment, support their schoolwork, and disciple the children on a daily basis. Our aunties at the Roots House have continued to further the mission of the Roots Project while supporting the kids in their daily activities.
Heading security for The Raining Season has been our Chief Security Officer, Sullay Ab Kamara, and Wilfred Kargbo. They ensure that our compound is safe. We are thankful that our children and staff can play and sleep peacefully because they are well protected.
Last but not least, Florence Koroma has been responsible for single-handedly working in the kitchen and cooking for all of our children and staff. The demanding job or cooking for nearly one hundred children is exhausting. Because of her tireless work, the children have three meals each day.
This staff has been there for The Raining Season in its time of need. Pray for them by name. Pray for their families. Pray for their continued strength and courage in their jobs. We pray for the continued good health of our children, our staff, and their families. Pray for an end to COVID-19 in Sierra Leone and worldwide.
Our children and staff are able to praise God in times of triumph and trial. The past four months have certainly been challenging. However, even in the darkest moments, they continue to thank God for his mercy and grace in their lives and for keeping them safe.
Once again, THANK YOU to our outstanding staff that has gone above and beyond. We are grateful for you, and we appreciate you. You are a blessing to our children and all those in the TRS community.
Many blessings,
The Raining Season