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Fresh Paint and Sweet Smiles

The Raining Season

In August, we closed out our 2021 building campaign. Thanks to your generosity, we were able to raise nearly all of the $55,000 required to secure our compound for another year. Every day, we are grateful that our children have a safe place they can depend on to grow, play, learn, and sleep.

We have called this compound home for nine years. Aside from our very own piece of land and our dream center, this place truly meets our needs. We are grateful it provides protection and shelter from the heavy rains that fall in July and August. It provided a place of refuge during Ebola and again in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. It opens its doors to children in their most vulnerable states and provides stability as they are transformed from the inside out.

We are excited to share some picture updates that have been taking place at The Covering in recent weeks. After eighteen months in lockdown, our landlord was able to come in and help us spruce things up a bit. Our TRS staff painted inside the apartments, brightening the apartments with beautiful shades of blue and green. If you look at the smiles on our kids’ faces, you can see that they love their updated apartments! Our landlord fixed the roof and is also working on updating paint on the outside of the buildings. We are hoping for the outside to be fully completed soon. These updates are only part of what makes The Covering home, but we are grateful to see the improvements.

Don't forget; there is only one week left to order The Raining Season's 2022 calendar. The proceeds of the 2022 Raining Season Calendar will go directly back to our children in 2022. The money will be used to purchase new mattresses for the middle boys' apartment and the special needs apartment.

Many blessings,

The Raining Season

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