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It Takes a Village

The Raining Season

Nearly 100 children; A staff of sixty-three aunties, cooks, guards, teachers, administrators, and others who love, protect, and provide for our children regardless of circumstances; 8 apartments at The Covering plus a Roots House for the girls and a Roots House for the boys; 3 meals served every day; A primary school onsite and a public secondary school in Freetown for our kids to pursue education; A pastor and many other staff members who provide spiritual nurturing every day; An on-staff nurse to provide ongoing medical care;

and countless lives changed through sponsorship.

The numbers only begin to paint a picture of what your sponsorship dollars provide for our children. However, we know one thing for sure – It takes a village to do what we do.

At the beginning of May, we embarked on a bold campaign with the goal of joining hands with twenty-five new sponsors and increasing twenty-five current sponsorships for the children at The Covering.

Sponsorship is $45 per month. We are grateful to the countless people who commit to giving $15, $20, $45, or $100 monthly through sponsorship. We do not take your generosity or willingness to sponsor a child for granted. However, if you are considering sponsoring, we want to challenge you to consider the impact your $45 could have. For about $1.50 per day, you become a part of a child’s story at The Raining Season. As a sponsor, you witness the transformation of a child as they are loved, discipled, and restored through spiritual nurturing. For the cost of about one dinner out each month, you see them grow bigger, taller, and faster because sponsorship provides them with three meals a day to meet their nutritional needs. As a sponsor, you can Skype with your child, where they will tell you about an upcoming exam or what they dream of becoming when they grow up. Your $45 per month will help ensure that a child has continued access to medical care when bumps and bruises appear or a more serious illness, like malaria, sets in.

Meet Ernest and Esther. These siblings can call the Raining Season home because of sponsorship. Ernest is twelve, and Esther is seven. Their father passed away in 2014, and their mother was unable to meet their basic needs and care for them. They came to The Raining Season in September 2019. Ernest enjoys reading and drawing and dreams of becoming an artist one day. Esther loves to sing Gospel songs and is in the church choir at the center. She dreams of one day becoming a nurse. Ernest and Esther know how vital sponsorship is. They experienced a lot of change in their short lives. The Raining Season provides them with stability and a place to call home. Did you know that Ernest and Esther pray for their sponsors every day? It’s true; they do! Ernest needs six more sponsors to be fully sponsored, and Esther only needs one more sponsor. This week, would you consider sharing Ernest and Esther’s story? Can you help us find sponsors for Ernest and Esther so that we can share the good news with them? You can sponsor ERNEST or ESTHER HERE, or email to learn more.

Do you already sponsor? Are you looking for a way to make a bigger impact without sponsoring another child? $45 is the standard sponsorship amount. However, you can also sponsor at $50, $75, or $100 monthly. Any amount is welcome! This month, we ask that you prayerfully consider increasing your current giving by as little as $5 a month if your financial situation allows it. To increase your monthly giving, please reach out to

If there is anything this journey has taught us, it is that there is no dream too big for God to make a reality. The Lord is faithful, but this dream is not possible without YOU. Thank you for linking arms with us for these children!

Together, we can rescue, empower, and restore.

Many blessings,

The Raining Season

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